Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beginnings Are Always So Hopeful... followed by a series of questions that demand discussionnotanswers

In Judaism, the places for higher theological learning 
are called yeshivas. From yoshev, the Hebrew word 
meaning to sit. 

Because it's important that  you sit still.

I have now been to one sitting for each of my classes and I am so incredibly excited about what I'm doing. The material is intriguing and new and one of my classes offers me the opportunity to simply sit and think about the ways in which I think about God. It also offers/demands that I read 1300 pages of material but I'm ok with that tonight. 

It took until right now to realize how incredibly fortunate I am to have this time. Three years separated from school, working and occasionally making money has taught me one very important thing. 

I really like school.

I couldn't help but smile while the laptops
clacked and the guy up front
told us 
all about the time the Lutherans and the Methodists got together
and the Methodists felt outgunned 
or about
the guy who used to debate Einstein but will always be remembered for his Theology.

Do you think that people are more willing to accept mystery 
within God now as opposed to 
50 years ago
50 years ago
they still thought that we could
 use science to explain this whole world around us and 
God along with it?

If science explained it all,
down past the quarks and neutrinos,
hung a left past those vibrating strings,
and found whole other multiverses
would you still need God?

Is He just there to explain what you don't understand?

Or does He inform something more?

Would you trade enlightenment
a little bit of mystery?

So many questions and I haven't even written a paper yet.

1 comment:

Daniel Rodriguez said...

Keep writing bud, I'm reading.