Sunday, February 22, 2009

Organic Cigarettes and Other Signs of the Coming Apocalypse

Hokay so,

I was just flipping through a magazine and saw an ad for American Spirit cigarettes boasting that they have ORGANIC cigarettes. Why why why why why?

Now we arrive at one of the most egregious suspensions of logic that I have seen in a long while. American Spirit advertises its Organic Cigarettes while simultaneously saying that they are not actually healthier in any way. This is actually mandated by a court ruling, which says that in their ads which boldly proclaim their Organic cigarettes they must also put these words:

No additives in our tobacco

does NOT mean a safer cigarette.

Here is an example of someone doing the exact same thing:

I really don't mind tobacco at all. I love me a nice cigar every now and then and when the weather is nice, nothing beats sitting on my porch with a nice pipe and a book. (I'm building up my old man street cred.) I guess what scares me is some magical power that advertisers seem to have over us. We are told over and over that we must purchase and consume organic goods so that we will in turn be healthier and we buy into it so much that someone can run a campaign selling us one of the most deadly products out there and because they slap a big certified organic sticker on it, someone is beating down the door to the nearest liquor store to pick it up. yikes.

Here's one kid who knows something about cig uh rets.


taylorhulyk said...

Lincoln! So, I just read your comment on my blog. How random internet life is, huh? I'm so glad you got something out of it. Writing is so therapeutic. Thanks for the encouragement.

And this organic cigarette thing is utter nonsense. Seriously. What I've heard about smokers, though, is that they don't really want to be smoking; they're just addicted. Maybe they'll buy into this crap thinking that maybe it will be more justified since they're not smoking synthetic anymore. stupid. And advertisers in general...such a deceitful industry. That's why I hate business so much. It's a bunch of corporate money-hungry professionals telling us that we need someTHING to be happy...when what we really NEED are people, relationships, love. Oh my gosh, I'm such a hippy...only not. Good entry...and nice 'stache. Haha.

christy lee :) said...

i beg to differ on the mustache. i much like your patchy "cute" playoff beard.